AMTD 2019 Compliance, Disciplinary And Anti-Corruption Committee Annual Meeting Was Successfully Held, With A Number Of Former Heads Of Hong Kong Disciplinary Forces Attended The Meeting
On Thu Jun 13th, AMTD’s Compliance, Disciplinary and Anti-Corruption Committee (CDACC) successfully held its 2019 annual meeting at the AMTD headquarter in Hong Kong. A number of former heads of the HKSAR government departments and disciplinary forces attended the meeting and shared with AMTD staff their views on the importance of anti-corruption, discipline, and compliance. The attended guest speakers included Dr. Annie Wu (SBS, JP), Co-Chairperson of AMTD Global Advisory Committee, member of Standing Committee of the 10th, 11th and 12th CPPCC National Committee, lifetime honorary Board Member of the World Trade Center Association, founder and honorary Chairman of Beijing Air Catering Co., Ltd., the first Sino-foreign joint venture in China, and honorary consul of the United Republic of Tanzania in Hong Kong and Macau; Mr. Lo Chun-hung (SBS, FSDSM), former director of Fire Services Department of HKSAR Government; Mr. Samuel Hui, former Assistant Director of Independent Commission Against Corruption (Anti-Corruption Department) of HKSAR Government; Professor Witman Hung (JP), representative to the 13th National People’s Congress, Principal Liaison Officer of Hong Kong-Qianhai Authority, Commissioner of Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol; Mr Ivan Chu, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Fund, co-founder of Hong Kong Institute for Politics and Governance.
Mr Calvin Choi, Chairman & CEO of AMTD Group (middle); Dr. Frederic Lau, Vice Chairman of AMTD Group (first from right); Mr. Yatkin Sin, Chief of Staff of AMTD Group (third from left); Mr. Lo Chun-hung, former Director of Fire Services Department of HKSAR Government (second from right); Mr. Samuel Hui, the former Assistant Director of Independent Commission Against Corruption (Anti-Corruption Department) of HKSAR Government (second from left); Prof. Witman Hung, representative to the 13th National People’s Congress, Principal Liaison Officer of the Hong Kong-Qianhai Authority and Commissioner of the Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol (third from right); Mr. Ivan Chu, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Fund and co-founder of Hong Kong Institute of Politics and Governance (first from left)
In April 2018, AMTD Group formally announced the establishment of the Compliance, Disciplinary and Anti-Corruption Committee (CDACC). Members of this Committee reports directly into AMTD Group’s Board of Directors. CDACC is responsible for creating and improving the company’s culture on patriotism, law-abiding awareness and dedication, as well as establishing an anti-corruption and disciplinary system, with an aim to educate the staff on patriotism, law-abiding, and ethical behaviors. Through this committee and its feedback to the Board, AMTD would continuously improve its corporate governance structure, and build the corporate culture of “Be just, ethical and honest, and humble”.
Calvin Choi, Chairman and CEO of AMTD Group, said that as a leading comprehensive financial institution in Hong Kong, AMTD has always embraced fully the concept of “patriotism, abiding by the law, compliance, and professionalism”, and continuously strengthened the staff education on patriotism, integrity, law-abiding consciousness and dedication. He further reminded all employees that they should strictly abide by the Basic Law of HKSAR and other laws and regulations, strictly abide by the policies and guidelines of the regulatory bodies, and strictly abide by the expected ethics and discipline of a financial professional. Calvin further stressed that all staff should embrace and love China and Hong Kong, abide by law, and strictly comply with regulatory red lines.
Calvin Choi, Chairman and CEO of AMTD Group (second from left)
Yatkin Sin, Director of CDACC and Chief of Staff of AMTD, delivered the opening speech. He said that while the Group continues to grow and develop, it must adhere to the spirit of integrity and compliance in order to achieve long-term development. CDACC will continue to improve AMTD’s culture on patriotism, abiding by the law, integrity and self-discipline. All employees are required to embrace and love China and Hong Kong, fully support the “one country, two systems” principal, strictly abide by the Basic Law of HKSAR and other laws and regulations, foster the sense of integrity and compliance and strictly abide by the regulatory policies and guidelines. At the same time, all employees should continuously improve their professionalism and discipline, strengthen institutional development, establish proper and effective internal review process to avoid violations of laws. Mr. Sin was formerly the Commissioner of Correctional Services of the HKSAR Government, and has been awarded Silver Bauhinia Star, Hong Kong Correctional Services Medal for Distinguished Service, Hong Kong Correctional Services Long Service Medal, Chief Executive’s Commendation for Government/Public Service by the Hong Kong SAR Government. Mr. Yatkin Sin joined the Hong Kong Correctional Services Department in 1979 and worked there for nearly 37 years. He has made tremendous contributions to the promotion of Hong Kong’s integrity and discipline. Mr. Sin is currently a member of the Board of Directors at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Yatkin Sin, Chief of Staff of AMTD Group and Director of CDACC, delivered an opening speech for the meeting.
Dr. Annie Wu, co-Chairperson of AMTD Global Advisory Committee, founder of Beijing Air Catering Co., Ltd., the first sino-foreign joint venture in China, and one of the witnesses of China’s reform and opening up, shared her vast experience in operating companies over the years. She also emphasized the importance of an ethical and compliant corporate culture to the development of the company.
Dr. Annie Wu, co-Chairperson of AMTD Global Advisory Committee and member of Standing Committee of CPPCC National Committee, shared her rich experience in politics and business.
During the panel discussion, Mr. Lo Chun-hung, former Director of Fire Services Department of HKSAR, and Mr. Samuel Hui, former Assistant Director of Independent Commission Against Corruption (Anti-Corruption Department) of HKSAR government shared their experience from the Hong Kong disciplined services. They said that with the help and guidance of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong Disciplinary Forces were able to completely remove the bad image of widespread corruption and laziness from the 1970s, and established a positive culture of altruism and law-abiding. In addition, Prof. Witman Hung, representative of National People’s Congress, Principal Liaison Officer of Hong Kong-Qianhai Authority, Commissioner of the Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol, introduced the work and requirements of HKSAR Government has done and implemented in recent years on integrity and compliance, including the increase of transparency into government departments, service level commitments, and establishment of supervisory unit.
Lo Chun-hung, former HKSAR Government Fire Services Department Director
Samuel Hui, former Assistant Director of Independent Commission Against Corruption (Anti-Corruption Department) of the HKSAR Government
Ivan Chu, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Fund, co-founder of Hong Kong Institute for Politics and Governance, said that Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Fund will continue to support the strategic development plan of AMTD in the Greater Bay Area, and will join forces with AMTD to promote patriotism to China and Hong Kong, law-abiding, and compliance, in order to build a homeland where citizens can live and work in peace, innovation and entrepreneurship are thriving, and ultimately brings prosperity to Hong Kong.
Ivan Chu, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Fund, co-founder of Hong Kong Institute for Politics and Governance
In addition, Dr. Frederic Lau, Vice Chairman of AMTD Group, talked about the supervisory controls used by US Department of the Treasury, Federal Reserve and Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Dr. Lau has nearly 40 years of experience in financial supervision. He had served as a Senior Inspector at the Office of Thrift Supervision (subsequently merged with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency) under the US Department of the Treasury, Chief Representative of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority in New York, Director of Banking Supervision Department and Director of Banking Policy Department. Mr. Chris Cheng, Secretary-General of CDACC and Director of Compliance and Risk Management Department of ATMD, started by reporting on AMTD’s latest compliance controls implementation. He then shared the recent regulatory requirements, trends and cases in Hong Kong, and emphasized the importance of legal compliance, risk control, and professional ethics to AMTD’s development. Mr Cheng has been working the financial compliance and legal sector for nearly 30 years, and has extensive experience in financial supervision, compliance, risk control and legal affairs. Prior to AMTD, Mr Cheng worked in Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission for about 10 years, responsible for supervising licensed financial institutions and licensed personnel in Hong Kong. He also worked in compliance department of Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, ICBC International, Huatai Financial Holdings.
Dr. Frederic Lau, Vice Chairman of AMTD Group, shared his supervisory experience
Chris Cheng, Director of Compliance and Risk Management Department of ATMD reported on AMTD’s latest compliance control implementation