AMTD jointly hosts 2018 Capital Markets Forum for Listed Companies. Paul Chan Mo-po, Charles Li, Francis Leung and Calvin Choi delivered keynote speeches
On April 27th, “2018 Capital Markets Forum for Listed Companies” was held in Hong Kong. The forum was jointly hosted by the Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies (CHKLC), Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) and AMTD Group.
Mr. Paul Chan Mo-po, GBS, MH, JP, Financial Secretary of HKSAR delivered the keynote speech of the forum. Mr. Charles Li, Chief Executive of HKEX delivered luncheon keynote speech. Other guests include Mr. KC Chan, former Financial Secretary of the HKSAR and Adjunct Professor and Senior Advisor to the Dean at HKUST Business School, Mr. Andrew Weir, Chairman of Listing Committee of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd, Ms. Teresa. Ko, non-executive director of Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (HKSFC). Ms. Pollyanna Chu, Founder and Permanent Honorary Chairperson of CHKLC, Dr. K S Lo, GBS, JP, Vice Chairman of CHKLC and Chairman of Great Eagle Holdings, Mr. Zhang Wei-an, Vice Chairman of China-Hong Kong Economic Trading International Association “One Belt One Road” Development Committee and the heads of the major departments in HKSFC and HKEX.
Mr. Francis Leung, Chairman of Global Advisory Committee of AMTD Group and Chairman of CHKLC delivered opening remarks. Mr. Calvin Choi, chairman and president of AMTD Group and vice chairman of Hong Kong Federation of Professions, addressed the Forum. Discussants in the panels include Mr. Raymond Yung, Vice Chairman of Global Advisory Committee of AMTD Group and CEO of L.R. Capital Group, Dr. Frederic Lau, CEO of Capital Markets and Advisory of AMTD Group, Mr. William Fung, Head of Debt Capital Markets & Distribution, Managing Director of Chief Investment Officer of AMTD Group and Mr. Tim Fang, Co-Head of Debt Capital Markets of AMTD Group.

Mr. Chan Mo-po said in his opening speech that he is glad to witness the First Capital Markets Forum for Listed Companies successfully held by the Hong Kong-based AMTD Group and CHKLC. Hong Kong, as a global financial centre, should actively promote the diversification of the financial industry, improve its competitiveness and advance innovative technology to assist traditional businesses. He further pointed out that more new economy companies will go listed in Hong Kong because HKEX encourages the listing of innovative enterprises, adopts weighted voting rights and deepens the securities market. Meanwhile, Hong Kong’s financial industry should grab the economic growth brought by “One Belt One Road” and Greater Bay Area to connect with the Greater Bay Area, establish financial networks and lead the mainland enterprises beyond to the globe.

Mr. Francis Leung, Chairman of Global Advisory Committee of AMTD Group and Chairman of CHKLC remarked that Hong Kong’s securities markets and capital markets are facing great opportunities. HKEX allowed companies with weighted voting rights to go listed in Hong Kong and the policy was warmly received by the market. Companies need to adapt to the new shareholding structure under the new regulation and the HKSFC will adopt a new supervision frame to protect investors. With the development of “One Belt One Road” initiative and Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong enterprises are facing the greatest opportunities since 1970. The Forum, held against this background, aims to analyse the opportunities and challenges brought by the new policy, promote the conversation between the regulators and the market and promote the exchange on policy-making in Greater China Area and the integration of market.

Mr. Calvin Choi, Chairman and President of AMTD Group and Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Federation of Professions, addressed the Forum that AMTD, as the co-organizer of the event, is very glad to cooperate with CHKLC and Hong Kong stock exchange to host the Capital Markets Forum for Listed Companies. The Forum gathers the regulators, experts in capital markets and industry associations to exchange opinions on the reform and future development of Hong Kong’s capital markets. AMTD has always been committed to connecting the capital markets across Hong Kong, China, and the globe and to leading many promising enterprises with a global vision and global business strategy to come to Hong Kong and to integrate into international capital markets through Hong Kong. AMTD has always been devoted to the development of innovative technology, especially in Greater Bay Area in the hope of contributing to the innovation development of Hong Kong’s capital markets.

Mr. Charles Li, Chief Executive of HKEX, said in his luncheon keynote speech that following a series of reforms in HKEX, the attractiveness of Hong Kong’s capital markets will further increase compared with the U.S. markets. The advantage of Hong Kong markets for Mainland companies is that Hong Kong is internationalized than Mainland China. He predictsthat with the effect of the new listing regulations, many Biotech companies will go listed in Hong Kong in the next few months.

More than 1000 people attend the Forum including regulators, industry associations, enterprises, institutional investors, investment banks, brokerage agencies, and press. The Forum pulled keynote presentations and panel discussions on the heat topics including “Future and Opportunities of Capital Markets”, “Regulatory Environment” and “Mainland Opportunities: One Belt One Road and Greater Bay Area”. Dr. Frederic Lau, CEO of Capital Markets and Advisory of AMTD Group delivered a keynote presentation on “Look Forward on IPO and Weighted Voting Rights” and attended the panel discussion on “Regulatory Environment”. Mr. William Fung, Head of Debt Capital Markets & Distribution, Managing Director of Chief Investment Officer of AMTD Group attended the panel discussion on “Future and Opportunities of Capital Markets”. Mr. Raymond Yung, vice chairman of Global Advisory Committee of AMTD Group and Chief Executive Officer, L.R. Capital Group and Mr. Tim Fang, Co-Head of Debt Capital Markets, AMTD Group, served as panelist and MC in the panel discussion of “Mainland Opportunities: One Belt One Road and Greater Bay Area”.